Sins of a Solar Empire 2 Mac Download Free Updated

Sins of a Solar Empire 2 Mac Download Free

2008 video game

Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire cover.PNG
Programmer(southward) Ironclad Games
Publisher(s) Stardock
Composer(s) Paul Schuegraf
Engine Atomic number 26 Engine
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
  • NA: Feb iv, 2008
  • AU: March six, 2008
  • Eu: June xiii, 2008
Genre(south) Real-fourth dimension strategy
Mode(s) Single-player, multiplayer

Sins of a Solar Empire is a 2008 science fiction real-fourth dimension strategy video game developed by Ironclad Games and published by Stardock Entertainment for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is a existent-fourth dimension strategy (RTS) game that incorporates some elements from 4X games; its makers describe it equally "RT4X". [1] [2] Players are given control of a spacefaring empire in the distant future, and are tasked with acquisition star systems using war machine, economic and diplomatic ways.

The game was released on February 4, 2008, receiving positive reviews and multiple awards from the gaming printing. [3] [four] [five] [vi] Its first content expansion, titled Entrenchment, was released as a download on February 25, 2009, and its second content expansion, titled Diplomacy, was released equally a download on February 9, 2010. A package combining the original game with the kickoff two expansions was released at that time, with the title Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity. [7] A third expansion, the stand up-alone Rebellion, was released in June 2012. [8]

Gameplay [ edit ]

Sins of a Solar Empire is a space-bound real-time strategy game in which players control one of three dissimilar races: the industrial TEC, the psychic Advent, or the alien Vasari. The playing field is a 3D web of planets and other celestial objects in the orbital plane of one or more than stars. The game features a sandbox mode, allowing the role player to cull different types of solar systems to unlock achievements. Players can conquer neighboring planets and explore distant star systems in a "massively scaled, fully 3D surround featuring entire galaxies, orbiting planets, clusters of asteroids, space dust and radiant stars." Notably, in that location is no single-player campaign mode, but games tin can be played confronting AI opponents offline and other players online. Ironclad Director Blair Fraser asserted that the game's Atomic number 26 Engine is specially designed with technologies that allow it to handle very big differences in size, scale, and distance. [two]

Resource and structures [ edit ]

Sins of a Solar Empire has three main resources to gather: Credits, Metal, and Crystal. Credits are the general currency used by the three races in the game, and are gained past completing missions, collecting bounties, creating a merchandise network, and taxing planets. Metal is the most mutual resource in the game, and is gathered by edifice extractors on metallic asteroids; it is used to construct basic ships and structures. Crystal is the rarest resource, which can be mined from asteroids like Metal; information technology is used for developing new technologies and building sure advanced ships. A Black Market place characteristic allows players to catechumen unneeded Metal and Crystal into Credits or vice versa. Selling or ownership too much of either resources can cause market prices to rise and fall dramatically.

Certain more than intangible resources include Supply Points and Capital Transport Crews. Supply Points are used up when ships are purchased, and cannot be accumulated, acting every bit a population cap for the player's fleet. Capital letter Ship Crews and Supply Points are both required for the construction of powerful capital ships; regular capital ships crave ane coiffure, while the giant titans in the Rebellion expansion require ii. A role player's maximum Supply Points and Capital Send Crews can exist upgraded, merely increased Supply Points require more logistical back up, imposing a permanent reduction on the player'southward income.

Players can construct planet-based infrastructure upgrades and orbital structures on and around habitable planets that they control. Planetary upgrades grant bonuses such as higher taxation incomes, improve planetary bombardment resistance and access to more orbital structures. Orbital structures are divided into civilian logistical and military tactical structures. Logistical structures include asteroid mines, ship factories, trade ports, enquiry laboratories and cultural broadcast stations. Tactical structures include orbital weapons platforms, repair centers, strike arts and crafts hangars, and superweapons unique to each playable race; for example, the TEC tin build the Novalith Cannon, a giant railgun capable of bombarding distant planets.

Entrenchment and starbases [ edit ]

The Entrenchment micro-expansion adds new defensive options. Defensive weapon platforms and strike craft hangars gain researchable special abilities, and all factions gain the ability to deploy proximity-detonated space mines. The expansion'south most notable aspect is the improver of starbases – immense defensive structures with significant firepower and diverse special abilities.

Celestial objects and anomalies [ edit ]

There are multiple types of colony-supporting planets and asteroids, with the expansions and later downloadable content increasing the available planet types over the years. Habitable worlds range from Earth-similar Terran planets to frozen Ice planets and water-covered Oceanic planets, with some planets possessing random bonuses such as enhanced factories or better defenses. The player can interact straight with planets in several means, such every bit creating trade routes, raining destruction from orbit or spreading "civilisation" via propaganda platforms, which may cause enemy planets to defection in the role player'south favor. In addition, there are pirate bases, which are abnormally durable and well-dedicated asteroids that have no resources but provide a heave to tax income.

Furthermore, there are several unlike spatial anomalies (more than commonly known as uncolonizable objects) found in the game which serve as obstacles and hazards to all players. These include ice and asteroid fields, which reduce weapon accurateness; gas giants, which tin can cause dangerous explosions if a ship is destroyed nearby; stars, which let for interstellar jumps but have large gravity wells that are deadening to traverse; and various forms of infinite junk, which do not impact ships direct. Wormholes link some systems, and in one case the necessary technology has been researched, they can exist utilized for instant travel. In improver, DLCs have added traveling hazards such equally plasma storms, random rebellions, economic downturns and coronal mass ejections.

Neutral forces, known as militias, guard and may ain colonizable planets not occupied at the start by whatsoever of the players. Their forces are an array of TEC frigates, cruisers and defensive structures. They practise not venture outside the gravity well, just volition attack anything owned by not-militia forces that enter their gravity well. Pairs of pirate ships sometimes similarly "guard" uncolonizable gravity wells.

Diplomacy and bounty [ edit ]

The diplomacy options of the original game allow players to forge and pause alliances and place bounties on their enemies or allies (depending on the game setting) without anybody knowing who placed it. Players tin trade resources, establish trade routes between empires, manipulate the commodities market to hinder enemies by utilizing supply and demand, and issue optional "missions" to allies. [2]

Nigh planets are "guarded" by neutral TEC fleets, who volition assault anyone that ventures nearly; this is especially true for the Pirate Base planets, which are settled by pirates and are heavily fortified. In the game'southward start-up screen, players tin can as well cull to enable "Pirate Raids". This mechanic allows players to anonymously place "bounty" on other players, with the goal of inducing the pirates to assail that player. The more than bounty is placed on some other histrion, then the larger the attacking armada will be if the pirates cull to attack that player; [2] pirate raids also gain forcefulness over time, and to deal with them, the player has to discover all the pirate bases, which are the spawn points for raids in their respective star system, and wipe them out. Pirate forces are, with one exception, TEC frigates, cruisers, orbital defense platforms, and mines (and the merely exception still bears a similarity to Trader ships), only they are all unshielded, take heavier armor, ofttimes take their armament switched to autocannons, and are heavily customised with spikes and stylized holographic "Jolly Rogers". Rebellion also has voiced responses for pirate units (which can often plant in the service of TEC Rebels).

Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy expands upon the Affairs mechanic. The relations system is more than visible, and players can requite missions to each other, as opposed to the original's NPC-only mission issuing. Diplomatic envoy cruisers can exist used to further meliorate relations, and the researchable pacts tin can significantly strengthen both sides of the alliance. The expansion too sees a noticeable increase in pirates' strength, and their bases are now outfitted with mines and TEC-issue repair platforms and strike craft hangars.

Tech tree and artifacts [ edit ]

In the base game, each faction has two engineering science copse, divided between military and civic improvements. These two trees in plough co-operative off into three race-specific categories. The Military machine tree contains upgrades to armor, shields, and weapons and unlocks units and defensive structures. The Civic tree contains upgrades to resource gathering and unlocks civic buildings, PSIDAR (Phase Signature IDentification And Ranging, which allows incoming enemy ships to be detected), planetary upgrades, affairs upgrades, and terraforming. In Entrenchment, several elements of both trees, likewise as new elements such as starbase-related technology, are merged into the Defence force tree. In Affairs, the diplomatic elements from the civic tree, too equally new technology that focuses on upgrading the race'due south diplomatic Envoy cruiser and various other bonuses, are merged into the Affairs tree. The Rebellion expansion grants boosted unique technologies to each sub-faction of the three races.

There are many different hidden artifacts that can be plant by exploring colonized planets. In that location are a full of nine (twelve in Entrenchment) artifacts, each giving the owner a unique and powerful bonus. For example, an alien artificial intelligence can increase economical efficiency across the player'south empire, while an ion field engineering science tin fortify planets against attack. When an artifact is discovered, all other players are notified of its location only not its type. [2]

Units [ edit ]

There are 5 main categories of ships in the base of operations game: capital letter ships, strike arts and crafts, cruisers, frigates and civilian ships.

Capital letter ships are large, powerful vessels and the cornerstones of any armada; they can gain experience in combat and "level up" (to a maximum level of 10), thus unlocking new abilities. [2] Each race has v different classes of capital ship (six in the Rebellion expansion), including battleships, support battlecruisers, colony ships, strike craft carriers and heavily armed dreadnoughts. A player's showtime capital ship is gratis, only subsequent capital ships price big amounts of resources. In improver, each capital ship requires a large amount of Supply, and one Capital letter Ship Coiffure.

Strike craft are small, active ships that launch in squadrons from capital letter ships, carrier cruisers and hangar-defense force structures; they are divided into fighter and bomber classes. Fighters are stiff against bombers, other fighters and frigates, while bombers are potent against cruisers, orbital structures, and capital ships. Strike craft do not crave any resources to construct, and cannot travel through stage space unless carried by their mother send.

Frigates are small, cheap and, individually, weak vessels that fill basic gainsay and reconnaissance roles, including long-range back up, planet-bombing, and the colonization of new worlds.

Cruisers are the main muscle of an interstellar empire. Heavy cruisers provide shut-range firepower, carrier cruisers provide long-range fighter support and race-specific back up cruisers provide various other situational advantages. Cruisers are individually more expensive than frigates, but are smaller, faster and cheaper than capital ships. In the base game, cruisers are the only category of ship that is unavailable from the start.

Noncombatant ships are unarmed and, except when a certain TEC technology is researched, unarmored, making them vulnerable to enemy attack. Nonetheless, they still fulfill a very important office in a players empire: construction frigates produce orbital installations like shipyards and laboratories, while trade vessels increase the player's income.

In expansions [ edit ]

The Entrenchment expansion adds defended anti-construction cruisers and starbase constructor cruisers (both helpless at annihilation simply their chore) for the TEC and Advent, and a minelayer cruiser for the Vasari. Diplomacy adds an unarmed Envoy Cruiser for each race, which can heave relations and provide benefits for other empires.

Rebellion introduces fast-assault corvettes and super-heavy titans, in addition to the aforementioned new capital transport form. [8] Each of the six factions of Rebellion has its own unique course of corvette and titan. Corvettes are smaller, faster and weaker than regular frigates, and take different special abilities depending on the faction. Titans, by contrast, are extremely powerful and expensive, much larger than any other vessels, and capable of beingness leveled-up like capital ships. But one titan tin exist maintained by a role player at whatsoever one time. Each titan possesses unique, upgradeable abilities that can reinforce friendly fleets or weaken enemies. In addition, titan levels are persistent—if a level ten titan is destroyed in battle, it can be rebuilt (at a pregnant cost) at level 10, without requiring it to repeat the leveling process.

Multiplayer [ edit ]

Players can engage in online multiplayer against either a single opponent or as part of a team through the game'due south Ironclad Online arrangement or by setting up a LAN game. Players can set upward 5-versus-five matches where 2 captains typhoon the other 8 players. Although the game does non automatically download custom maps made with the Galaxy Forge way, players can manually choose to download maps as needed.

Development [ edit ]

Sins of a Solar Empire was released without any course of copy protection, but a product central registered to an Impulse account was required for updates and multiplayer in the original game. The game had a development budget below one million dollars. [9] On Nov sixteen, 2011, Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity was made available for buy on Steam.

Game engine [ edit ]

Sins of a Solar Empire 's Iron Engine offers size and scale technologies that deliver big stars and planets adjacent to comparably pocket-size orbital structures, starships and strike craft. The engine features bump mapping on planets and ships, specular lighting, dynamic fractal generation for stars and clouds, and blossom. [10]

Customization [ edit ]

Sins of a Solar Empire includes various customization features, amid them a level editor that allows players to generate maps for both single and multiplayer use past setting their general backdrop. Matches can likewise be recorded and watched, and the game supports custom modifications. Ironclad Games maintains a collection of user-created works of all three kinds. The developer has as well released the editor used to create the game's scenarios and a gear up of the evolution tools. Through the use of this editor, the player tin can dictate the number of star systems in their game, the number of planets orbiting each star organisation, and various other options. Lastly, the game keeps runway of a multifariousness of achievements, some of which are triggered by ordinary gameplay actions (such every bit winning as a specific race or collecting enough resources), or by winning with voluntary restrictions (such every bit without building capital ships, frigates, cruisers, or strike arts and crafts).

Expansions [ edit ]

Ironclad has released three master expansions, which are available on Ironclad's website and Stardock's digital distribution service, Impulse. In improver, the base game and the first two expansions are available in a combination package entitled Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity. [7] To prevent fracturing in the multiplayer customs, the features of the expansion packs are only available if both competing players have the expansions installed. If not, the features are disabled for the multiplayer game. [11]

Entrenchment [ edit ]

On August 29, 2008, Ironclad and Stardock appear Entrenchment. [11] The expansion includes new weapon upgrades and defense platforms, including modular starbases. [eleven] [12] Originally scheduled for November 18, 2008, information technology was released on Feb 25, 2009. [xiii]

Diplomacy [ edit ]

On Baronial 26, 2009, the 2nd expansion was announced. Affairs expands the diplomatic element of the game, [fourteen] assuasive players more control over alliances and making diplomatic victory possible, every bit well as offering incentives for peace and cooperation including pacts which provide economic, research, and military bonuses between factions. [xv] The opponent AI, pacing and number of game scenarios are likewise improved. Diplomacy was released on Feb 9, 2010; the Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity combination package was also released on the same day. [7]

Rebellion [ edit ]

On March 1, 2011, Rebellion – the game's tertiary expansion, and first full stand-alone expansion – was announced. Rebellion adds new Loyalist and Rebel factions to each playable race, a new capital send for each race, new "titan" super-capital ships, and lite gainsay corvettes, as well equally unique enquiry topics for each Rebel/Loyalist faction. Rebellion also includes an updated graphical engine. Exactly one twelvemonth from the proclamation, the beta was made available for pre-gild customers without prior warning. Rebellion was officially released on June 12, 2012, [sixteen] and includes all previously released content. [17] The expansion uses Valve's Steam to download and install updates. The British video game developer Rebellion Developments has been opposing the apply of "Rebellion" in the proper noun of the game since 2012 due to trademark law. [xviii] In November 2018, the game was released equally a gratis download on the Humble Bundle store. Players could redeem the full game at no toll within a timed window. The user was then able to access a steam activation key to admission the game on the platform.

DLCs [ edit ]

Four downloadable content packs have been released for Rebellion. Forbidden Worlds was released on June v, 2013, and adds 4 new planet types and new colonization options. Stellar Phenomena was released on November six, 2013, and adds interstellar hazards such equally black holes, pulsars, coronal mass ejections and neutron stars, which take diverse impacts on gainsay and exploration. Outlaw Sectors was released on June 22, 2016, and focuses on Pirates, Black Markets, and Planetary Militias - NPC factions that tin can assist the player in conquering their enemies. Minor Factions was released on December 17, 2018, and included fifteen AI-controlled pocket-sized factions, each offer assistance and unique services to players, if diplomatic relations are established.

Reception [ edit ]

Sins of a Solar Empire was awarded "Best Strategy Game of the Year 2008" by GameTrailers, [6] and best PC Game of the Year by IGN. [v] The game was met with positive reviews, holding an aggregate score of 88% based on 46 reviews at GameRankings, [3] and an aggregate score of 87/100 based on 52 reviews at Metacritic. [4]

Much praise for the game has been directed towards the game'due south clever alloy of RTS and 4X gameplay, the seamless zoom function, and the user-friendly Empire Tree and UI. That the game was designed to play efficiently on older as well equally newer PCs has garnered considerable praise. Criticism has been focused on the lack of a unmarried-histrion campaign, sporadic game crashes when played online, and the potentially lengthy game-play times. Following the 1.03 patch, with increased game speeds, this problem has been slightly improved, although games with six or more players can sometimes still take 4 hours or more. [26]

Sales [ edit ]

In September 2008, Stardock'south CEO, Brad Wardell, stated that Sins of a Solar Empire had sold over 500,000 units, with 100,000 of those being download sales, on a development upkeep of less than $i,000,000. [27] The game sold 200,000 copies in its first month of release alone. [28] The 2012 Rebellion expansion sold over 100,000 digital copies in its first month of release, setting a Stardock sales record for digital retail. [29]

References [ edit ]

  1. ^ "Sins of a Solar Empire: Gameplay". Stardock. Retrieved June xiii, 2009.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Butts, Steve (July 25, 2007). "Sins of a Solar Empire Interview". IGN. Archived from the original on August 5, 2007. Retrieved June 13, 2009.
  3. ^ a b c "Sins of a Solar Empire for PC". GameRankings . CBS Interactive . Retrieved November 3, 2019.
  4. ^ a b c "Sins of a Solar Empire for PC Reviews". Metacritic . CBS Interactive . Retrieved November three, 2019.
  5. ^ a b "PC Game of the Year 2008: Sins of a Solar Empire". IGN. Archived from the original on Dec 18, 2008. Retrieved June thirteen, 2009.
  6. ^ a b "GameTrailers Game of the Yr Awards 2008, Real-Time Strategy Games". GameTrailers. Dec 22, 2008. Retrieved June 13, 2009.
  7. ^ a b c "Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity". Stardock. Retrieved March 13, 2010.
  8. ^ a b "Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion review". PC Gamer. June 11, 2012. Retrieved November nine, 2013.
  9. ^ Wardell, Brad. "Galactic Civilizations three Forum". Stardock. Retrieved 13 December 2018.
  10. ^ "Sins of a Solar Empire: Features". Stardock. Retrieved June 13, 2009.
  11. ^ a b c "Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment Announced!". IronClad. August 29, 2008. Retrieved August 29, 2008.
  12. ^ "Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment Preview". GameSpy. September 11, 2008. p. 2. Retrieved September 15, 2008.
  13. ^ "Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment store". StarDock. Retrieved Jan 18, 2009.
  14. ^ Matt Peckham. "New Sins of a Solar Empire Expansion Revealed". PC Globe: Game On. 2009. Retrieved November ten, 2013.
  15. ^ John Callaham (Feb 4, 2010). "Interview: Stardock's head talks well-nigh Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy". Big Download. AOL Games . Retrieved February four, 2010.
  16. ^ "Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Arrives June 12". GameSpy. April five, 2012. Retrieved November 10, 2013.
  17. ^ "Sins of a Solar Empire: FAQ". Stardock. Retrieved November ten, 2013.
  18. ^ Yin-Poole, Wesley (July 1, 2014). "Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion pushes on despite trademark boxing". Eurogamer . Gamer Network. Retrieved July 1, 2014.
  19. ^ Edge staff (April 2008). "Sins of a Solar Empire Review". Edge . No. 187. p. 94.
  20. ^ Biessener, Adam. "Sins of a Solar Empire review at Game Informer". Game Informer. Archived from the original on March ii, 2008. Retrieved June 13, 2009.
  21. ^ Ocampo, Jason (February xiii, 2008). "Sins of a Solar Empire Review". GameSpot . Retrieved June 7, 2009.
  22. ^ Rausch, Allen (February 8, 2008). "Sins of a Solar Empire Review - GameSpy". GameSpy . Retrieved June 7, 2009.
  23. ^ Stapleton, Dan (nine Feb 2008). "Sins of a Solar Empire Review – GamesRadar". GamesRadar. Retrieved June 7, 2009.
  24. ^ Butts, Steve (February fifteen, 2008). "Sins of a Solar Empire Review". IGN. Archived from the original on February 20, 2008. Retrieved June 13, 2009.
  25. ^ Francis, Tom (March 21, 2008). "PC Review: Sins of a Solar Empire". PC Gamer UK. Retrieved June 13, 2009.
  26. ^ "Sins of a Solar Empire," PC Gamer 173 (Apr 2008): 60.
  27. ^ Alexander, Leigh; Remo, Chris (September 4, 2008). "Wardell: Sins Of A Solar Empire Hits Low System Reqs-Aided 500,000 Units". Gamasutra. Retrieved September 4, 2008.
  28. ^ Cyril Kowaliski (March 20, 2008). "Indie publisher: Piracy isn't to blame for bad PC game sales". The Tech Report. Retrieved March 21, 2008.
  29. ^ "Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Sets Sales Tape". Stardock. July 25, 2012. Retrieved March 31, 2014.

External links [ edit ]

Sins of a Solar Empire 2 Mac Download Free

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